Exporting Borehole Data to LogPlot Dat Files

RockWorks | Borehole Manager | File |
Export | Multiple Tables | LogPlot (DAT)

This RockWorks Borehole Manager program will export the data tables for one, all, or enabled boreholes to an ASCII DAT file that can be used in the RockWare LogPlot program.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options


  1. Access the Borehole Manager if necessary.
  2. Open the project to be exported, if necessary.
  3. Select the single borehole, or enable the multiple boreholes to be exported, if you won't be exporting them all.
  4. Choose the File | Export | Multiple Tables | LogPlot (DAT) menu option.
  5. Enter the menu options, described above.
  6. Click OK at the bottom of the window to proceed with the export.

The program will create a LogPlot DAT file for each requested borehole, storing the file in the requested folder.  If requested, any image files will be copied to the output folder. 

Here's a listing of the RockWorks data types and the corresponding LogPlot data tab:

RockWorks Table LogPlot Tab
Location Easting, Northing, Elevation, TD Setup
Location optional fields Edit-Text
Location comments Note-Text
Orientation Orientation
Lithology Lithology
Stratigraphy Lithology
I-Data Interval Data
I-Text Interval Data
T-Data Multi-Interval Data
P-Data Curve
P-Text Text Column
Fractures Tadpole
Water Levels Text Column
Symbols Symbol
Symbols captions Text Column
Patterns Fill Column
Patterns captions Text Column
Bitmaps Bitmap
Vector Tadpole
Well Construction Well Construction
Well Construction captions Text Column

See also

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